On March 27, around 250 citizens took the opportunity to ask their questions about the emerging Center for the Transformation of Chemistry at the “Cititzens’ House” Delitzsch. The panel included Professor Peter Seeberger, Max Planck Director and CTC initiator, as well as Saxony’s Minister President Michael Kretschmer, Saxony’s Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow, Barbara Meyer from the Saxon Regional Ministry and Dr. Jutta Matreux from Wacker Chemie AG in Nünchritz. Wiebke Binder from MDR moderated. Up to one hundred and fifty additional people followed the event via livestream.
“A very lively discussion”
“This was a very lively discussion with the citizens of Delitzsch. It’s great to know that people are behind the CTC and that we are working together with politicians at all levels in the city, the district and the Free State to quickly realize this project in the best possible way,” Seeberger summed up.
Visit to the new site
Preceding the event, Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer visited the CTC’s new interim location at the North Saxony District Office in Delitzsch. In the presence of District Administrator Kai Emanuel and Lord Mayor Dr. Manfred Wilde, he welcomed the first employees of the emerging large-scale research center.
The recording of the evening is still available on Youtube:
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