More than 100 people came to the Bürgerhaus Delitzsch on Tuesday evening, September 26th, to learn about the current status of the CTC. On the podium were Prof. Peter Seeberger, founding director of the CTC and Max Planck Director in Potsdam, Thomas Kralinski, State Secretary at the Saxon Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport, and Holger Mann, Member of the Bundestag. The evening was moderated by local SPD representative Adrian Schneider.
Jobs in the discussion’s spotlight
The discussion focused primarily on the jobs created by the CTC. Seeberger proudly announced that the team in Delitzsch would pass the ten mark in a few days and that he had signed three new employment contracts just on the day of the event. By 2025, there should already be 100 employees working for the CTC. From then on, he said, growth will slow down slightly. The target is a thousand employees by 2038, 700 of them in Delitzsch and 300 in the Saale district in Saxony-Anhalt. A wide variety of specialists will be needed. In addition to scientists, chemical technicians, administrative staff and technical personnel are needed. There is also great job potential for companies that are to settle around the CTC. Initial talks are already underway.
For Thomas Kralinski, the CTC is a real opportunity for Saxony and the entire economic region in Central Germany. The well-paid jobs give rise to the hope that skilled workers who have left the region will return home. However, there is a need for qualified immigration from abroad, he added.
Holger Mann also expects the project to strengthen Saxony as a research location. The universities in Leipzig and Halle as well as several universities of applied sciences are only a short distance away from Delitzsch, he emphasized.
CTC wants to be open for the local population
Seeberger assured that the CTC should also be open to the population of Delitzsch. The site of the old sugar factory is to develop into an open campus with a pleasant atmosphere for everyone, he said. The excavators are expected to roll as early as next year to make room for interim buildings for the CTC. Currently, the team has rented offices in the North Saxony District Office – just a few hundred meters from the future site.
The event was organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.