In 2023, the Center for the Transformation of Chemistry (CTC) began a three-year development phase with the aim of designing its research program. In addition to setting up the organizational structures and preparing the research center, the main task is to develop a strategy for unifying the field of chemistry.

The CTC-conference at Ringberg Castle in September 2023 was the start for the long-awaited international, interdisciplinary discussions on this topic. A total of 40 participants represented 15 countries, 15 research institutions and 10 companies. The wide range of contributions provided a variety of perspectives, and allowed different research directions to be considered. The aim was to design a “moonshot” program for a common path to a sustainable circular economy.

The results of this conference have now been published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry / Green Chemistry. Click here for the full article.

CTC-Conference in Ringberg

The participants of the first CTC-conference at Ringberg Castle